
ElarScan book scanners - in universities of Kazakhstan
ELAR Corp. continues to equip universities of Kazakhstan with modern digitizing instruments. New ElarSCAN A2 scanners delivered to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. Libraries of Kazakh universities are modern information centers that provide professionals, students and the scientific community with access to their rich collections.
Large presentation of ElarScan A2 in Stara Zagora
The representative meeting of the Municipality of Starozagorski district of Bulgaria receives a demonstration of the ElarSCAN A2 book scanner. The meeting was attended by experts from municipal administrations, law courts, regional library "Zachary Knyazhesky" , Thracian university, regional Historical museum and museum "Iskra" of Kazanlak city. The event was organized by ELAR’s partner in Bulgaria, Mrs. Andriana GEORGIEVA and library "Rodina", it was supported by Stara Zagora municipality.
Novi život novina iz prošlog veka
U biblioteci "Rodina" grada Stare Zagore (Bugarska) skener knjiga ElarSCAN A2 obrađuje novine prošlog veka. Zbirka „Periodika - Stara Zagora 1882-1944 godine“ i zavičajni fond biblioteke gotovo su u potpunosti digitalizovani, - rekla je direktorka gospođa Slava DRAGONOVA
Elarscan je bio visoko cenjen na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Varni
Na radionici održanoj na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Varni u Bugarskoj, stručnjaci i univerzitetski profesori cenili su pogodnost skenera knjiga ElarCAN A2 i razgovarali o korišćenju opreme za stvaranje elektronskih kolekcija, pružanje učenja na daljinu i samoposluživanje učenika.
Elarscan A2-400

The ElarScan A2-400 overhead scanner series is designed to digitize bound and flat documents of various types up to DIN A2+ in any physical state, including those with incomplete opening, jams and other features.

ElarScan A2 models are equipped with CMOS RGB sensors with a large depth of field, the ability to pre-process scans in LiveView mode, an autofocusing system and an interactive optical zoom for digital control of the scanning resolution.

Elarscan A1-KS

The most inexpensive A1 + planetary scanners on the market with no consumables that should be changed during operation

ElarScanA1-600KS is a planetary scanner for fast and convenient color, grayscale and black-and-white digitization of books, magazines, catalogs, newspapers and various types of bound documents up to A1 format.

Elarscan A2-R

The ElarScan A2-R overhead scanner series is designed to digitize bound and flat documents of various types up to DIN A2+ in any physical state, including those with incomplete opening, jams and other features. The scanner is equipped with a universal cradle, mechanics for manual lift-up flattening of originals and is supplied with two (flat and V-shaped 120°) interchangeable glasses.

ElarScan A2 models are equipped with CMOS RGB sensors with a large depth of field, the ability to pre-process scans in LiveView mode, an autofocusing system and an interactive optical zoom for digital control of the scanning resolution.

ElarScan is all-in-one device with an integrated computer ready to use. ElarScan users have everything they need to start digitizing right after the scanner installed.

Elarscan A2-KS

The ElarScan A2-KS overhead scanner series is designed for automated digitization of bound and separate documents in format up to DIN A2+ of various types in any physical state, including those with incomplete opening, having jams and other specialties. Scanner is equipped with a flip-up flat glass with electromagnetic locks and supports a semi-automatic operation: scan starts by the glass is closed and glass opens immediately after the scanning is completed.

ElarScan A2 models are equipped with CMOS RGB sensors with a large depth of field, the ability to pre-process scans in LiveView mode, an autofocusing system and an interactive optical zoom for digital control of the scanning resolution.

ElarScan is all-in-one device with an integrated computer ready to use. ElarScan users have everything they need to start digitizing right after the scanner installed.