
InoTec Pty Ltd, a partner of ELAR Corp. (Russia) in Australia and New Zealand, presented the Elarscan book scanner at the conference of the Victorian Association of library automation– VALA - Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc (VALA) in Melbourne. VALA is the oldest and largest professional Association for Libraries in Australia, which cares for accumulating and promotion the most relevant competencies and technologies for the development of library activities. VALA conferences take place every two years, bringing together business partners, experts and specialists, leading suppliers of equipment and solutions for cultural institutions.

Brazilian company "Scansystem Ltda", a traditional scanner distributor in Brazil, introduced a new Elarscan A2-400 to South American customers. "We have already started demonstrations of the new ELAR product, and we see the interest of customers. There are tasks to digitize documents up to format A2 at commercial companies, at small museums and galleries, at municipal services and places where there will never be budget for the high end quality planetary scanners with matrix or linear CCD sensor, - says Ricardo Monteiro, managing partner of "Scansystem Ltda" (left at photo).

ELAR Corp. continues to equip universities of Kazakhstan with modern digitizing instruments. New ElarSCAN A2 scanners delivered to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. Libraries of Kazakh universities are modern information centers that provide professionals, students and the scientific community with access to their rich collections.

The representative meeting of the Municipality of Starozagorski district of Bulgaria receives a demonstration of the ElarSCAN A2 book scanner. The meeting was attended by experts from municipal administrations, law courts, regional library "Zachary Knyazhesky" , Thracian university, regional Historical museum and museum "Iskra" of Kazanlak city. The event was organized by ELAR’s partner in Bulgaria, Mrs. Andriana GEORGIEVA and library "Rodina", it was supported by Stara Zagora municipality.

At library "Rodina" of Stara Zagora city (Bulgaria) book scanner ElarSCAN A2 processes newspapers of the last century. The collection "Periodicals - Stara Zagora 1882-1944 years" and the local history fund of the library are almost completely digitized, - said director Mrs. Slava DRAGONOVA.Newspapers "Duma (Word)" for 1926 – 1944, "Zemja(Earth)" for the period 1929 – 1944 are already scanned with Elarscan. Next will be the digitalization of "Zoria (Sunrise)“ newspaper archives.

At the workshop held at the Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, experts and university professors appreciated the convenience of the ElarCAN A2 book scanner and discussed using the equipment to create electronic collections, provide distance learning and self-service for students. The library of Technical University of Varna is a member of the Union of library and information specialists (ULIS) and the Association of University libraries.