
La colección de la Biblioteca “Lyuben Karavelov” se digitaliza con el nuevo ElarScan
“Lyuben Karavelov” en Ruse es una de las bilbiotecas mas antiguas de Bulgaria. Esta institucion cultural es un centro lider, proveyendo acceso a conocimiento, informacion y servicios en la region. En septiembre del 2019 fue instalado en el Centro de Digitalizacion de la biblioteca un escaner universal de libros ElarScan para la creacion de una coleccion unica de libros "electronicos". El modelo A2-400KS de ElarScan se mostro muy conveniente para escanear libros y manuscritos antiguos, lo mismo que con publicaciones modernas.
ElarScan excites visitors at GITEX-2019 in Dubai
El nuevo escáner universal para documentos ElarScan A2-600KS fue presentado en la 39ª...
World premiere of the new ElarScan universal book scanner at GITEX-2019
New ElarScan A2 all-in one professional planetary document «dream-scanner» is to be presented at GITEX Technology Week, the biggest technology event in the Middle East, North Africa & South Asia on 6-10 October 2019 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The event not to be missed! So visit for details.
Elarscans serve students of leading university in Czech Republic
La Universidad Masaryk de Brno es la universidad más popular de Chequia. Fue…
New Elarscan receives the blessing of the University of Divinity, Melbourne
Employees of Mannix Library at Catholic Theological College in East Melbourne, greatly appreciate their new universal scanner ElarScan A2, noting its versatility and convenience, and its ability to carefully scan valuable originals. In February 2019, Elarscan was installed in the library’s Special Collections Room and began to be used for digitizing rare books, folios, and other unique materials
Elarscan digitizes books at National library of Bulgaria
Bulgarian National library SS. Cyril and Methodius continues with digitization of rare books. The first item digitized with ElarScan A2 was a famous Lovech Four Gospels copied by Petar Gramatik of the middle XVI century with a silver cover from the end of XVIII century.
ElarScan at Brazilian forum of university libraries
“Scansystem Ltda”, partner of ELAR Corp. (Russia) in Brazil, introduced the Elarscan book scanner at the conference “National Seminar for Universities Libraries (SNBU)” in Salvador — Bahia (Brazil).
ElarScan to automate Australian libraries
InoTec Pty Ltd, a partner of ELAR Corp. (Russia) in Australia and New Zealand, presented the Elarscan book scanner at the conference of the Victorian Association of library automation– VALA - Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc (VALA) in Melbourne.
ElarScans in South America
Brazilian company "Scansystem Ltda", a traditional scanner distributor in Brazil, introduced a new Elarscan A2-400 to South American customers.