
You are standing at the first row of planetary scanners progress. ElarScans are now equipped with new professional cameras of 25, 50, 100 and 150 megapixels, the higher C-800 and C-1000 series allow you to get scans with tremendous resolution of over 1000 ppi - thanks to the unique "interactive optical zoom" feature. The complete improved product range is available for your orders and pre-orders at our authorized ElarScan partners worldwide.

Today the challenges of digitizing the records and books are not only facing by national archives and library centers, but they became key points for municipalities, courts, universities, public and private enterprises too. The company "N-Com Central Asia" is expanding its activities in Central Asia, supplying equipment and solutions to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. New ElarScan models have already started working for important customers.