Od czasu pierwszej dostawy w 2014 r. nowy skaner książek ElarScan został doceniony przez 350 profesjonalnych użytkowników na całym świecie, a to tylko kilka z nich:
- Regional library Ljuben Karavelov (Ruse, BG)
- MoMu Fashion museum (Antwerp, BE)
- Museums of comunne Udine (IT)
- Da Nang university (VN)
- Perlis State public library (MY)
- WSB university group (PL)
- Department of mines, industry regulation and safety (East Perth, AU)
- Reelbox video & photo (Brisbane, AU)
- War heritage institute (Brussels, BE)
- Misr University (Cairo, EG)
- University of divinity (Melbourn, AU)
- Chatelet city archive (BE)
- Hue university (Hue, VN)
- Rodina library (Stara Zagora, BG)
- National library SS. Cyril and Methodius (Sofia BG)
- Kaniklides scan center (Nicosia, CY)
- Czech technical university (Prague, CZ)
- University center for energy efficient buildings (Bushtegrad, CZ)
- Strahov monastery (Praha, CZ)
- State archives of Tatarstan (Kazan RU)
- Old believer’s religious center “Krinitsa” (Moscow RU)
- Muzeum Novojičínska p.o. (Novy Jicin, CZ)
- Masaryk university (Brno, CZ)
- Archive of Evreux (Evreux, FR)
- Al-Farabi Kazakh national university (Almaty KZ)
- Tchaikovsky house-museum (Votkinsk, RU)
- Advanced science and technology institute (Quezon City, PHI)
- National library Capo-Verde (Capo-Verde, PT)
- Biblioteca Judeteana (Craiova, RO)
- The court justice of the state of Tocantins (Palmas, BR)
- Municipality of Parana (Curitiba state, BR)
- Plainfield Public Library (Plainfield IL, US)
- Bahamas university (Bahamas, US)
- Freeport public library (Freeport NY, US)
- Microgenics farmaceutical Corp. (Washington DC, US)
- Anderson public library (Anderson IN, US)
- Dayton metro library (Dayton OH US)