Collections of museums in Udine (Italy) will be digitized with ElarScan


In the historical castle of the city Udine, the digitization has begun. Using funding from a European project, the city's museums have acquired a universal planetary scanner ElarScan to create the digital collection of photographs, drawings and prints from the 19-20th centuries.

Transferring the collection to digital format is the great value for Italian museums, researchers and history buffs. At the end of 2021 partners of ELAR corp. PageNet srl, installed the universal planetary scanner ElarScan A2-600KS.

- Thanks to the European project, we have the opportunity to digitize a large quantity of photographs collected in our collection, art Brisighelli albums and other large-format originals, - commented curator of the photo library Mrs. Silvia Bianco. - This is very important collection for scientists, researchers and enthusiasts. ElarScan A2-600KS will also be useful for digitizing materials such as drawings and engravings. The collection is valuable to everyone who wants to reconstruct the history of our region, who wants to understand how spaces, cities, towns have changed, who wants to make a restoration project of a more or less important building or to understand how the customs and traditions of the territory have changed.

The photographic library of the city museums of Udine (Civici Musei di Udine) traces its history back to the beginning of the 20th century - from the documentation of materials stored in museum funds. Over the course of more than a century, the collection has grown and historical archives have been added to the photographs, documenting the history of the Friuli region in Italy, covering traditions and customs from the 1880s to the mid-1900s.

More information about museums on the website -
Photos from the Civici Musei di Udine