Сollections of "Lyuben Karavelov" library go digital with new ElarScan


“Lyuben Karavelov” in Ruse is one of the oldest Bulgarian libraries. The cultural institution is a leading center for providing access to knowledge, information and services in the region. In September 2019, ElarScan universal book scanner was installed in the library’s Digital center who creates unique e-book collections. The new ElarScan A2-400KS proved to be very convenient for scanning old printed books and manuscripts, as well as modern publications.

Regional library “Lyuben Karavelov” is working on the digitization and popularization of the book cultural and historical heritage, it holds more than 650 thousand volumes of library units. In the near future the rich collections will be digitized with the new model ElarScan.

"We were impressed by the new model ElarScan A2 and now we can do a lot more digitizing than previously possible, - says Pavel Goranov, head of the Digital center.
– Key importance for us is fast scanning and possibilities for many post processing options. In addition, the scanner bundled with ELAR ScanImage software gives us faster processing and export of data”.

The new model ElarScan is very convenient for scanning old printed books and manuscripts, as well as modern publications. The scanners optical system includes an RGB sensor enabling high-quality digitization with an option to autofocus and to automatically adjust to originals of various thickness and textures. ElarScan is equipped with a V-shaped manual book cradle with independent adjustment of the opening angles and an additional recess for the spine. The model is a fully autonomous device with feature-rich embedded software for mass scanning and post-processing of electronic images. Special feature of new A2-400KS model is flat self-open flattening glass, which is perfect to scan rare books and documents.

Six months of digitizing includes such collections of books which are related to the cultural and social life of Ruse residents after the Liberation. Among them: works by Bulgarian writers, postcards of monuments, museums and churches in Ruse, photo Chronicles of creative festivals of the 70s-80s of the 20th century in Ruse. Part of digital collections are already available on the library’s website (www.libruse.bg/collections).

The library was founded in 1888 and today bears the name of the revolutionary and writer Lyuben Karavelov. It holds a great deal of books, CD's, tapes and periodicals and has a fund of rare and valuable publications and books, including collections of foreign-language books published until 1900. Every year the library is visited by more than 80,000 readers.

The creation of the professional digitizing center with new modern equipment is a part of the project “The written treasures of lower Danube“ which is realized within the framework of the program for transboundary collaboration “Interreg V-А (Romania – Bulgaria)”.

The project is directed to improvement of the sustainable protection and usage of the written and literary material cultural heritage of the transboundary region and the valorization of this heritage through creation of conditions for development of sustainable transboundary tourism. Its long-term purpose is also the stabilization of the social and cultural relations among the neighboring Bulgarian and Romanian communities.