ElarScan to automate Australian libraries


InoTec Pty Ltd, a partner of ELAR Corp. (Russia) in Australia and New Zealand, presented the Elarscan book scanner at the conference of the Victorian Association of library automation– VALA - Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc (VALA) in Melbourne.

VALA is the oldest and largest professional Association for Libraries in Australia, which cares for accumulating and promotion the most relevant competencies and technologies for the development of library activities. VALA conferences take place every two years, bringing together business partners, experts and specialists, leading suppliers of equipment and solutions for cultural institutions. "The conferences define the main trends in library automation – which is necessary for modern libraries, both from the knowledge point of view, and of their technical equipment - said InoTec Pty sales manager Mr. Mark Petts. - This year VALA celebrated its 40th anniversary, and more than 1000 people became participants of the conference. We are pleased to present the new Russian Elarscan at the key event, and noted the experts had a great deal of interest in it".

The fleet of professional equipment offered by InoTec Pty Ltd, was enriched with the latest Russian planetary scanner in the middle of last year. "Bringing the new product to the Australian market means that we can fully meet the needs of cultural institutions and other organizations in a convenient and functional device for digitizing originals up to A2 at a reasonable price," commented Mr. Petts, - "Special attention of visitors was attracted by the high quality of digital copies, rich features of integrated software and flexible book cradle for convenient scanning in the V-shaped and flat modes".